When I founded SMG Business Services, one of the things I dreaded most was networking. The idea of mingling with strangers, much less public speaking, made my introverted heart race. None of it came easy to me but, as any business owner knows, putting yourself out there is crucial for raising your profile, building confidence, and seizing new opportunities. With the support of my mentor, I committed to learning to love networking.
I took a bold first step of registering for a networking event – into the eye of the storm I went! My mentor graciously offered to accompany me and make introductions to the fellow attendees. Little did I know that that small step would trigger a powerful domino effect. That initial networking event, hosted by NLBWA-IE (National Latina Business Women Association-Inland Empire) was such a success that I eventually became a board member for the organization. Following this, I registered in my local Rancho Cucamonga Toastmasters club where I learned to become comfortable with the discomfort of public speaking.
Fast forward to today and I present frequently at my local SCORE chapter, I actively give speeches in my local Rancho Cucamonga ToastMasters Club, I’m regularly booked as a guest for podcasts, and I am preparing to present at the RESA (Real Estate Stagers Association) Convention in Las Vegas next month.
If you want to grow your business, you must let people know that you and your business exist. Start with baby steps. Pick a networking event and simply get yourself there. Focus on listening and learning, and start thinking about what you can bring to the table.
If I can do it, you can do it too! Let me know how I can support you and your business.
